| The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Second Edition (get PDF version) Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Tripitaka Master Hsuan Tsang Commentary by Grand Master T'an Hsu Translated into English by Venerable Dharma Master Lok To Edited by K'un Li, Shih and Dr. Frank G. French |
- Acknowledgement
- Preface One: Disciple Nien An
- Preface Two: Disciple Wang K'ai
- Translator's Introduction
- Prologue by the Grand Master T'an Hsu
- Beginning of the Commentary by Grand Master T'an Hsu
- When the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara
- Was Coursing in the Deep Prajna Paramita,
- He Perceived That All Five Skandhas Are Empty.
- Thus He Overcame All Ills and Suffering.
- Oh, Sariputra, Form Does Not Differ From the Void, and the Void Does Not Differ From Form. Form is Void and Void is Form; the Same is True For Feelings, Perceptions, Volitions and Consciousness.
- Sariputra, the Characteristics of the Voidness of All Dharmas Are Non-Arising, Non-Ceasing, Non-Defiled, Non-Pure, Non-Increasing, Non-Decreasing.
- Therefore, in the Void There Are No Forms, No Feelings, Perceptions, Volitions or Consciousness.
- No Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body or Mind; No Form, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch or Mind Object, No Realm of the Eye, Until We Come to No Realm of Consciousness.
- No Ignorance and Also No Ending of Ignorance, Until We Come to No Old Age and Death and No Ending of Old Age and Death.
- Also, There is No Truth of Suffering, of the Cause of Suffering, of the Cessation of Suffering, Nor of the Path.
- There is No Wisdom, and There is No Attainment Whatsoever.
- Because There is Nothing To Be Attained, the Bodhisattva Relying On Prajna Paramita Has No Obstruction in His Mind
- Because There is No Obstruction, He Has No Fear,
- And He Passes Far Beyond Confused Imagination,
- And Reaches Ultimate Nirvana.
- The Buddhas of the Past, Present and Future, By Relying on Prajna Paramita, Have Attained Supreme Enlightenment.
- Therefore, the Prajna Paramita is the Great Magic Spell, the Spell of Illumination, the Supreme Spell, Which Can Truly Protect One From All Suffering Without Fail.
- Therefore He Uttered the Spell of Prajnaparamita, Saying Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha.
- Memorial for My Master, the Great Teacher T'an Hsu by Disciple Wang K'ai
- Glossary
- Other Works by the Committee
Transfer-of-Merit Vow (Parinamana) For All Donors May all the merit and grace gained from adorning Buddhaís Pure Land, from loving our parents, from serving our country and from respecting all sentient beings be transformed and transferred for the benefit and salvation of all suffering sentient beings on the three evil paths. Furthermore, may we who read and hear this Buddhadharma and, thereafter, generate our Bodhi Minds be reborn, at the end of our lives, in the Pure Land |