Teachings of Chan Patriarch Hsuan Hua Note: The best source for published versions of the Venerable Master's teachings, both in Chinese and in English translation, is the Buddhist Text Translation Society. Writings about the Venerable Master
- The Eighteen Great Vows of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
- Biographical Sketch of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
- The Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Brings the Dharma to the West
- The Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Dedicated His Life to Propagating theBuddhadharma
- Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, His Life, His Legacy (website)
- Re-Encountering the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua in China
Writings by the Venerable Master
- The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra (.pdf files)
- The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra with the Commentary of Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
- The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra (.pdf files)
- "The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra with the Standless Verse Commentary" by Venerable Master Hsüan Hua
- "The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra with Verses Without a Stand and Prose Commentary" by Venerable Master Hsüan Hua (.pdf files)
- The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra and Commentary by Chan Master Hsuan Hua (.pdf files)
- Sutra in Forty-Two Sections with the Commentary of Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
- Song of Enlightenment with the Commentary of Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
- "Some Recorded Sayings of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua"
- "The Dharma-Door of Mindfulness of the Buddha"
- "Chan: the Essence of All Buddhas"
- "Guanyin, Guanyin, Guanshiyin"
- "The Shurangama Mantra--the Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth"
- "Is the Shurangama Sutra an Inauthentic Sutra?"
- "White Universe"
- "Electric Brains' and Other Menaces"
- "Back to the Source: an Interview with Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua"
- "The Professor Requests a Lecture From the Monk in the Grave"
- "Master Hsuan Hua on the Hells"
- "Master Hsuan Hua on Stupidity Versus Wisdom"
- "Doing It Just Right Is the Middle Way"
- "To Prevent A Nuclear Holocaust, People Must Change Their Minds"
- "The Future of Humankind"
- "Monsters Appearing in the World"
- "The Horror of Taking Lives and Eating Meat"
- "Eating Flesh: Pros and Cons"
- "For Hundreds of Thousands of Years, the Stew in the Pot Has Boiled Up--A Resentment Very Hard to Level"
- "Should One Practice Filiality?"
"Smashing Empty Space to Reveal the Mind Ground"
Revised August 2002.
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