文昌帝君說:上天常降禍給貪淫之人,而且報應很快。倘若有人不怕報應,對自己的邪淫行為,依然不加檢點改過,則此人隨時都會遭受災殃的降臨。從前,春秋 時代,有許多君王公侯都因為淫亂的行為,導致敗國亡家。詩經風雅篇中,對邪惡行為者,給予剌譏的評語。性好鬥亂的鵠鳥,常被吉祥的鵲鳥逐離。所以,違逆天 理、貪好淫色的人,乃是戕害了自己的善良本性,削奪了自己的良好名聲。並且,充滿桂香的尊貴之地,及蒼天的降福恩澤,也只有潔身於德、守身如玉的人,才可 能得此福報。至於因為貪淫而污損了自己善良本性和名聲的人,是不可能得到尊貴及天恩的。
這種情形,我曾垂降教示過,奈何許多請書人,依然只知貪圖片刻的歡樂,卻不顧終身的前途。淫害別人,也被別人淫 害,乃至於尋春買樂。如此,一旦遭受慘酷報應時,就後悔莫及了。我在春秋兩季的考場上.,每多臨時削去或賜予某人的功名。凡是原本有功名祿位命運,卻被我 臨時削去,而無法考取的,都是因為該生窺視鄰居的妻女,或貪淫敗德、瑜矩敗節,而造成的結果,以致終生潦倒,一世渾沌。請書人受此報應,對於自己品德不修 的原因,不加以反省改過,反而怨天恨地。要知道,考場上到處都有神明降臨,三場文試中也皮處有鬼。有些考生,雖然才高,文章寫得字字珠璣,非常之好,但卻 突然被燈火燒掉文卷,或無端地被墨汁污損了文韋。
這些考生,都是因曾做了貪淫傷德敗節的專,因而被我主持,臨時削去他們的功名。誰說蒼天無眼,大凡修身良好,祇 有陰德的人,多能考取功名,穿受紫衣官袍。尤其能運中三元的,通常是.具有足以驚動天神的陰德善行。而品德不修,犯淫邪行的人,總是追到名落孫山的結果。 總之,如果能持正守德,不犯邪淫惡行,自然終能獲取功名祿位的。今我特頒新諭,希望大家能知所遵行。
文昌帝君垂示說:我遵奉金闕到酆都地獄,去考定天下因造罪惡種造罪作孽的案件,多的不可勝數種罪惡報應中,以淫 罪的報應最嚴死後在地獄須受五百劫嚴厲刑罰,劫,做五百劫的騾才能投胎應。凡是設計姦污了寡婦、尼僧,玉帝的旨命,在每月的寅卯日,而死墮地獄之人的事 實。發現各,堆積如山。而在天律所定的各酷。凡是玷污未出嫁的閨女者,受完地獄苦,投胎做騾做馬五百做人身,且是做妓女,以償受報敗壞人家的節者,死後受 八百劫地獄苦,受完投胎做羊做豬,供人宰殺八百劫,再投胎做人,而且是做瞎子、啞吧。
凡是做長輩的亂倫淫污了幼輩的子女,或是做幼輩的亂倫淫污了長輩親屬,這種犯了亂倫罪的人,死後受地獄苦一千五 百劫,,受完投胎做蛇做老鼠一千五百劫,然後投胎做人,而且是夭折,不能長壽。又,凡是編著誘人邪淫的書刊、戲劇,破壞許多人的清淨心和節者,這個著書人 或編劇者,死後必須受無間地獄(無窮盡苦地獄)的苦刑,直到他所作的淫書淫,完全消滅盡,而且因看了他的淫書淫劇而犯了淫惡的人,必須這些人的罪報完全受 畢了,這時候,淫書淫劇的作者,才能脫離無間地獄的苦刑,到別處投胎。淫書淫劇對人們的危害,非常深而且多,有許多識字的淑女,看了淫書後,心生慾火,導 致喪失貞節。又有許多年輕子弟,看了淫書淫劇後,慾念難制,或手淫目視,或隨從犯淫,或教或習以男作女的璧童淫行。
凡此種種,因為受了淫書淫劇的影響,而敗亂了貞良節的,多得難以勝數。所以淫書淫劇的作者,死後所受的報應,最 為長久酷烈。可感嘆的是,具有宿世帶來聰明慧根的讀書人,不以七寸之筆,來造福社會,貢獻世間,積福德於自身。反而不能堅守貞節,造下無窮的邪淫罪孽,致 使上天震怒,降下慘烈的淫報,這是讀書人自招禍門,陷自己於冰淵火坑的惡果,真是令人可悲啊!
眾生造了無數的身口意業,茫茫如海。其中以色欲的業障,最為難斷。在擾擾攘攘的紅塵世間中,也只有邪淫是最容易 令人誤犯的過失。許多蓋世的英雄,因此己身喪國。許多聰明的才士,因此敗節墮名。時代演變到了今日,惡風淫行,更加的熾盛。道德幾乎淪亡。不論是低階層的 輕狂少年,或是高階層的知識分子,多耽溺於色情邪淫之中。見了美色,便不斯地注視,念念不已。
其實,這是內心成了外在軀殼的奴隸,理智被情慾所控制。甚至於有些老娼村婦,也打扮妖嬈,故作色態,誘人淫心。 殊不知,凡此一切邪淫的行為,都是天地所難容的。凡是毀壞他人的節,玷污了別人聲名的,有的是自己的妻女受同樣的報應償債,有的子孫受報應,因而斷子絕 嗣。並且本身原有富裕命的,將成了窮苦貧困命。原有貴命當官的,也將變成潦倒一生。更有因為邪淫貪色,而導致生受囚獄罪刑之苦、流離失所之難,死墮地獄、 餓鬼、畜牲中受罪報的苦難。因此,普勸一切青年男女,要發心覺悟,破除包皮的業障。要知道芙蓉白面,只不過是帶肉的骷髏。美貌紅妝,也只不過是裝滿糞尿的 外衣。縱使面對如花似玉的美貌之人,也要存著像對待自己親生的母親、姊妹的心一般,來敬重對方。
Wenchang said: God often to Tanyin of evil people, and retribution quickly. If someone not afraid of retribution for their acts of sexual misconduct, indecent still without rehabilitation, the person at any time subject to the arrival of the plague. The past, Spring and Autumn Period, there are many kings are as promiscuous behavior princes, leading to death the country lost family. Fuga chapter of the Book of Songs, on the evil actors, ridiculed the reviews given to the assassination. Hu chaos of aggressive birds, birds are often removed from the auspicious magpies. Therefore, the wrong side of justice, corruption amorous colored people, but harm his good nature, Xiaoduo his good reputation. And, full of cinnamon honorable place, and heaven descending Fu Enze, only clean the body in Germany, Shoushenruyu only people who may have this blessing. As to Tanyin defaced his own good nature and reputation of the people, can not be distinguished, and Grace's.
This situation, I have been hanging down teachings, but since many people requested the book, still only know how to seek a moment of joy, has ignored the future of life. Excessive harm others, harm prostitution by others, and even search of the spring to buy music. So, once subjected to atrocious retribution, it regretted it. I'm on spring and autumn the examination room. , Each given to a person temporarily slashing or fame. Paul who had a bit fame fate, but was I temporarily slashing, but can not obtain, and all because of the neighbor's wife and daughter spy on students, or Tan Yin defeated Germany, and Yu lost section of moments, and the result, so that life down and out, I of chaos. Form for people affected by this retribution, for their own reasons for moral or revision, not to reflect on reformed, but blaming Heaven with hate. You know, come to the examination room is filled with gods, three paper also skin tested at the ghosts. Some candidates, though only the high, the article written every word Abas, very good, but suddenly the lights burned paper roll, or unjustified been ink stained paper Wei.
These candidates are hurt by Tan Yin has done special section of German defeat, which was my host, temporary slashing their fame. Who says heaven no eyes, Generally good cultivation, and only Judging people, more able to acquire fame, by wearing purple Guanpao. In particular, in the ternary can be shipped, usually is. Yin Deshan enough to disturb the gods with the line. The character is not repair, the person guilty of immorality, the line always catch Mingluosunshan results. In short, if you are able to keep hold of ethics, not commit adultery evil, the natural elites and Paul finally bit. New encyclical this special award I hope that we kept in the dark of the compliance.
Wenchang down so as to say: I must abide by all Feng Jinque to hell, to take a given species of the world created by the evil crime of sin made the case, and more evil karma of innumerable species, to reward the most serious crime of prostitution in hell are subject to five after the death of Bai Jie severe penalties, robbery, robbery of the mule to make five hundred to be reborn. Design widow who raped, Monks and Nuns, the Jade Emperor's purpose life, Mao Yin day of each month, and die fact that people fall into hell. Found that all, mountains. In the days of the cool set by law. Those who are not married daughter who tarnished by bitter finish hell, reincarnated to do five hundred mules and horses to do physical, and is a prostitute, to compensation under section people who report corruption, robbing the hell after death suffered by the eight hundred, by the end reincarnated to do sheep, pigs do for the slaughter of eight hundred people robbed, and then reborn man, but to do blind, mute.
Incest kinky elders who do a fine generation of children, pollution, or to do child incest prostitution tainted generation older relatives, these people who committed incest, death by the Hell bitter fifteen hundred robberies, made by the end reincarnated rat snakes do fifteen hundred robbery, and then reborn man, but died, not longevity. Also, all the books edited by attractive adultery, drama, destruction of many people who clean heart and sections, the writers who write books or, hell after death must be seamless (the endless suffering of hell) of torture, until he made a pornographic book pornographic , the complete elimination of do, but also because he watched a pornographic book pornographic theater and made Yine, must report these people completely by the completion of the crime, and this time, prostitution prostitution drama of the book in order to torture the hell out of seamless, to the elsewhere reincarnation. Pornographic book pornographic drama harm to people, very deep and many, many illiterate lady, after reading a pornographic book, Heart desires, resulting in the loss of chastity. There are many young children, read a pornographic book pornographic drama, lust hard by, or masturbation, visual, or followers guilty of prostitution, or for teaching or learning to men and bi woman of child sexual immorality.
All these, because the pornographic book under the impact of excessive drama, and Chen Liang defeated chaos Day, many may be difficult to count. So kinky kinky drama of the book, suffered retribution after death, the most long-term Kulie. Be lamented that, with Sushi scholars who bring smart by nature, not to seven inches of the pen, to the benefit of society and contribute to the world, the plot on its own merit. That they can not stick to chastity, made adultery under the endless sin, resulting in the wrath of God, prostitution reportedly lowered tragic, this is a scholar from the flies fly doors, trapped in ice deep fire pit their consequences, I am really sad ah!
Shen Kouyi beings made of numerous industry, vast as the sea. Karma which lust, the most too hard. In the chaos of the bustling world of Rangrang, only sexual misconduct is most likely to mislead people into committing mistakes. Many unparalleled hero, it relies instead mourning country. Many smart before, thus it lost fall festival name. Time evolution to today, the evil wind immorality, even more flaming. Almost degeneration of moral. Whether low-level and frivolous youth, or high-level intellectuals, among the more than addicted to pornography sexual misconduct. Met with the beauty, they will not be watching Sri Lanka, obsessed with endless.
In fact, this is the heart into the external slave to the flesh under the control of reason. Prostitution and even some old villager, also dressed up enchanting, pretending to be color state, attractive hath departed. As everyone knows, Where this all acts of sexual misconduct, are heaven and earth are intolerable. Those who destroy other people's festival, tarnished the reputation of others, some wives and daughters of their own debt by the same retribution, and some sons by retribution, thus breaking child died out. And the original affluent life itself, will become the poor life of poverty. An officer of your old life, but also will become down and out life. More because of sexual misconduct Tanse, which led to students by the prison inmates suffer from crime, displacement of the hard, dead fall into the hells, hungry ghosts, beasts suffer reported in the suffering. Therefore, the general urged all young men and women, to the heart and consciousness, get rid of the foreskin of karma. Hibiscus flour to know, just the skeleton with flesh. Red beauty makeup, it is only a coat full of feces and urine. Despite Ruhuasiyu beauty of the people, but also keep the treat their own mothers, sisters of the heart in general, to respect each other.
Those who had committed adultery is not fault of the people, we must always remind ourselves to avoid slip. Those who have committed adultery sinful people, we must make a resolve to go back as soon as possible. Everyone can play more of the survey of enlighten each other, so that lost people can rediscover themselves. So that everyone can clear a long Paul de Festival.
文昌?言??:神????邪??人??Tanyin、?報復?迅速?。??誰?報復????????性的行為?彼??行為?、??????、????到???????被?体?人?恐???。過去??、春?秋?期間?、??家族?失??死?至?、多??王?、無差別?動作?王子??????。暗殺?指定????????????嘲笑?俳優???????書籍、章。積極的?鳥?胡????、鳥?頻繁?幸先?良???????削除????。?????、正義、腐敗好色?有色人種?反?側?、彼?善良?性質、Xiaoduo彼?良?評判?傷???。???、????名???地位、天??Enze降順?完全?、??????体?????、??祝福?持????可能性?????Shoushenruyu人??。 Tanyin???????????、?別?????????場合?、自分?良?自然?人??評判??損。
??????況?、私?教??垂?????、多??人??????喜??瞬間?求??方法?知????、??本?要求????、生活?未??無視????。春?過度?害他?人?、他?人?害?春、????索?音??購入??。???、一度凶??報復?受??、???後悔??。私?春?秋?診察室??????。 、各??、一時的?削減?名??人?与?????。 、????名??運命?持?????、私?一時的?削減????、取得?????????、?生??人?妻?娘???????????????、?????陰?、????破?、Yu?瞬間???????失?、??結果、???生活???????、私?????。道?的?、???改正??????自?理由??、??報復?影響?受??人??????????、改革?反映?????????、憎??天?非難??。????、神?幽?????、三紙?肌?充填????室???知????。?????候補?唯一?高?、?????語?Abas???、非常?良?書???記事?、突然、???紙?燃???、???不????????染色紙Wei??。
過度?????影響???本、陳Liang?????日?破????、???????、多??????????難?????????。本?????態?態????、死、最?長期Kulie後?報復?受??。 BE?嘆??、??社??利益????自然??????????司??者?、????、7???、世界?貢???、?自??????????。彼??貞操?守??固執?????????????、神?怒?、??結果、無限?罪?下?不倫???、?春?伝????悲劇的?低下?、?????深?火災??????結果?閉?????????飛??????者?本??悲????、私???!
???Kouyi?人間?海??大????、多??業界?作???。???欲望、????無理。 Rangrang?賑???世界?混??中、唯一?性的行為?、???????犯??人??誤解???可能性?????。多??比類???主人公?、??代?????追悼?????。??????前?、多???????、???祭??名?該?失??。今日???時間進化?、邪??風不道?、???燃??。道???????性。????性的行為???????多??間?低?????薄?青年、???高????知識、????指定???。美????、彼??無限?取?付???????見??????。