Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra
Translated by Dr. J. C. Cleary ---- Mind-Seal of Buddhas
Humbly Revised by Dr. Edwin Sha 沙行勉 based on my understanding
of the scriptures.
Version: December 2008. This one has Essence and Introduction Parts.
The Buddhas took pity on all the deluded sentient beings, and taught them based on
the opportunities and the various potentials of these deluded sentient beings. Although
there is no difference in the ultimate goal as we take the Buddha’s teaching: i.e., returning
ourselves to our pure mind, many different expedient methods are employed.
Among all these expedients, if we seek the most direct and fast, and the most perfect
and sudden, none is as good as seeking birth in the Pure Land through Buddha-
remembrance. The simplest and most reliable one among all the methods of Buddha-
Remembrance is to develop faith and vows and to concentrate on reciting the Buddha-
The Amitabha Sutra shows that the method of reciting the Buddha-name applied to
people with different capacities. It encompasses the level of phenomena and the level of
inner truth (noumenon), omitting nothing. It embraces all sections of Buddhism and
Scriptures of Buddhism, and leaves nothing out. This method is indeed inconceivably
great. This is the reason that the ancients took the Amitabha Sutra as their daily study
guide, though three Pure Land scriptures (as Amitabha Sutra is one of them) have
circulated side by side in the world over the generations.
There have been many people to comment upon and explain the Amitabha Sutra.
Over time, many of these commentaries have been oblivion and nowadays not many
survive. Master Yun-Qi (Lian-Chi, 1535-1615) wrote his extensive and subtle
commentary and my senior fellow teacher, Mater You-Xi, wrote anothero one, called
“Perfect Middle Path Commentary”, which is profound and highly learned. These two
commentaries are like the sun and the moon: all those with eyes see them. But in these
two commentaries, the literary style is elaborate and the level of meaning is complex.
Their ultimate reaches are unfathomable for beginners.
Therefore I have put aside all qualms about my own mediocrity and ignorance and
composed another commentary, explaining the essential points of the Amitabha Sutra. I
would not dare to diverge from the two elders just to be original, nor would I force
myself to agree with them for the sake of agreement. It is as if we look at a same
mountain from different angles, so none of us can fully describe the true realms of the
“mountain,” as each one of us can only give you the record of our personal encounters.
Before I explain the sutra, I will first present the summary of the sutra using five
【五重玄义】 又名五重玄谈,天台智者大师在讲解佛经之时,皆立五重之玄义。
【五重玄义】 第一释名,无名,则不能显法。故应先释经题。第二辨体,名者呼体故,名之
First, the title of the sutra is explained. This sutra takes its title from the one who
expounds it and from the one of whom he speaks.
Buddha is the master teacher in the world, that is, Sakyamuni. By the power of his
vows of great compassion, he was born here in the world of the Five Turbidities. As the
one enlightened, he was determined to bring enlightenment to others who have not.
Buddha is the one who knows all and sees all.
Buddha speaks the sutra with joy in his heart. Buddha’s intention is to liberate
sentient beings. Since the potential of sentient being to achieve Buddhahood is ripe,
Buddha expounds for them these Pure Land teachings which are difficult to believe. He
intended to help them reach ultimate liberation. That’s why he is filled with joy.
Amitabha Buddha is the one Sakyamuni refers to in the sutra. Amitabha is the
master teacher (guiding teacher) of the Pure Land. By the power of his forty-eight vows,
he receives the sentient beings who have vowed to practice Buddha-remembrance by
invoking the Buddha name to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, and then they will
never fall back from there.
The Sanskrit name “Amitabha” means “Infinite Life” and “Infinite Light”. The
meanings of the name manifest his merits and his wisdom, his supernatural power and
depth of cultivation, the grandeur of the envireonemnt and the people in Pure Land, his
teachings and the liberation of sentient beings, all infinite.
A sutra is what Buddha said.
These terms taken from general and particular senses make up the title of the
scripture: The Amitabha Sutra Spoken by Buddha. The three categories --- teachings,
practice, and inner truth (noumenon), which each sutra should have --- can each be
explained in both general and particular senses, as set out in the Tien-Tai system.
Second, explain the essence of the sutra to discern.
The true essence of all the Great Vehicle (Mahayana) scriptures is Absolute Reality
(also known as Real Suchness or Original Nature or Buddh Mind) itself. What is
Absolute Reality? Lets look at the essence of our mind coming at each instant. It is not
inside, not outside, and not in between. It is not past, not present, and not future. It is not
green or yellow or red or white, long or short or square or round. It is not a scent, not a
flavor, not a texture that can be touched, not a mental object. When we search for it, we
cannot find it, but we cannot say it does not exist. It creates all worlds and all realms, but
we cannot say it exists. It is detached from conditional thoughts and discriminations,
from all words and characteristics. But conditional thoughts, discriminations, words and
characteristics do not have any identity apart from it.
Essentially, absolute reality is detached from all forms, but merged with all things.
Being detached from forms, it is formless, and being merged with all things, it is all-
formed. For lack of an alternative term, we impose on it the name “absolute reality” [i.e.,
Buddha Mind, Buddha Nature].
The essence of Absolute Reality is neither quiescent nor aware, but it is both
quiescent and yet ever shining with awareness, both shining with awareness and yet ever
quiescent. In that is shining with awareness but quiescent, it is called the Land of
Eternally Quiescent Light. In that it is quiescent but shining with awareness, it is called
the pure Dharmakaya (Dharma Body). Aware quiescence is called the Dharmakaya, the
Dharma Body of all the Buddhas. Quiescent awareness is called the Sambhogakaya, the
Reward Body. The quiescent shining of Buddha nature is named as Dharma Body. The
quiescent shining of the practice of Buddha nature is named Reward Body. From the
view point of practice of Buddha nature, practicing Buddha nature with shining
quiescence is called Reward Body and practicing Buddha nature with quiescent shining is
called Incarnation Body.
// [ 沙行勉 ]: 此段较难懂。可以强想成“法身“如月体,“报身“如月光。“应化
【照寂】 真如之妙用照十方曰照。真如之妙体离诸过曰寂。妙用之当相为寂体曰
Quiescence and awareness are not two, bodies and environments are not two, nature
and practice are not two, true essence and responsive functions are not two --- everything
is nothing but absolute reality. In terms of absolute reality, all these seemly dualities
neither two nor not two.
// [ 沙行勉 ]:在实相的面前。色即是空,空即是色。
Therefore, the essence of reality builds up both the environment that surrounds
sentient beings and their very bodies. It builds up both the Dharma Body and the Reward
Body of the Buddhas. It builds up both self and others.
Furthermore the one who speaks the sutra (Sakyamuni) and the one who is spoken
of (Amitabha), the Buddhas who liberates sentient beings and the sentient beings who are
liberated, the ability to believe (mind) and that which is believed in (dharma), the ability
to take vows and that which is vowed, the ability to concentrate on the Buddha-name
(body, mouth and mind) and the Buddha-name which is concentrated upon, the ability to
be born in the Pure Land (faith, vow and practice) and birth in the Pure Land itself, the
ability to praise the Buddhas and the Buddhas who are praised --all of these are the
imprint of the "true seal" of absolute reality. [Thus the Buddha Nature of sentient beings
(absolute reality) is the true essence of all Mahayana Sutras.]
Third is to understand the principle of the sutra. The guiding principle is the
essential route for cultivating practice, the key link for understanding the essence [of our
mind], and the guiding framework for the myriad practices. When you hold up a net, the
mesh opens up. When you lift the collar of a shirt, the breast and sleeves come too. Thus,
after the essence, we must discern the guiding principle.
The essential principle for cultivation in this sutra is to develop faith and vows and to
recite the Buddha-name. Without faith, we are not sufficiently equipped to take vows.
Without vows, we are not sufficiently equipped to guide our practice. Without the
wondrous practice of reciting the Buddha-name, we are not sufficiently equipped to
fulfill our vows and to bring our faith to fruition.
The sutra first sets forth the environment of the Pure Land and the exalted embodiment of
its inhabitants in order to engender faith in us. Next it urges us to take vows to lead our
practice. Then it teaches us the practice of reciting the Buddha-name as the route to reach
the Pure Land, upon which we will never fall back.
Faith means having faith in oneself and faith in others. It means being sure about cause
and effect, about phenomena and inner truth (noumenon).
Vows mean feeling aversion to the mundane world and detaching from it. Vows mean
gladly seeking the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Practice means persisting in the practice of reciting the Buddha-name singlemindedly
and without delusion or confusion (with one-pointedness of mind).
Believe in ourselves. Believing the Mind that can recite Buddha-name is not a physical
entity, or the thoughts responsive to outside objects. It extends through time without any
before or after and through space without any boundaries. Though it appears to follow
causal conditions all day long, it never changes.
All of space in the ten directions and all the worlds countless as atoms are things
manifested by this Mind of ours. Although we are deluded and confused, if for a single
moment we return to this Mind, we are sure to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss
originally inherent in our own mind, and be troubled no more by worry and doubt. This is
called "believing in ourselves".
Believe in others. Have faith that the Tathagata Sakyamuni certainly did not lie, and that
the World Honored One Amitabha certainly did not take his vows in vain. Believe that all
the Buddhas of all the directions never equivocated. Believe to follow the true teachings
of all the enlightened ones, so to establish our will to seek birth in the Pure Land without
any doubt or confusion. This is called "believing in others".
Believe in the causal basis. Have faith that even invocation of Buddha-name carried out
in a scattered confused state of mind is still a seed of enlightenment, and that this is even
more true of invoking the Buddha-name singlemindedly and without confusion. [If we
sincerely and singlemindedly invoke the name of Amitabha Buddha], how can we fail to
be born in the Pure Land? This is called "believing in the causal basis" [i.e., that
recitation is the cause of seeking birth in Pure Land.].
Believe in the result. Have deep faith that the Pure Land and all the good people
assembling there are born from the Buddha Remembrance Samadhi [the meditative
concentration that comes from reciting the Buddha-name]. When you plant melon seeds
you get melons, and when you plant beans you get beans. [Effect follows causes] like a
shadow follows a physical shape, like an echo responds to a sound. Nothing is sown in
vain. This is called "believing in the result".
Believe factual phenomena. Have deep faith that since this mind of ours is infinite, the
worlds of the ten directions that appear based on it are inexhaustible. The Land of
Ultimate Bliss really does exist ten billion Buddha-lands away, ultimate pure and sublime.
This is not some fable from Chuang-tzu. This is called "believing factual phenomena".
Believe in inner truth (noumenon). Have deep faith that the countless Buddha-lands
(worlds) are in reality not outside our “tiny” Mind of Buddha remembrance since there is
really nothing outside of this Mind. We have deep certainty that the whole array of beings
and surroundings in the Pure Land is a set of reflections appearing in our mind. All
phenomena are merged with inner truth. All falsity is merged with truth. All practices are
merged with True Nature. All others are merged with oneself.
Our own inherent mind is all-pervasive, and the Buddha-mind is also all-pervasive, and
the true nature of the minds of sentient beings is also all-pervasive. It is like a thousand
lamps in one room, each of whose lights shines on all the others and merges with the
other lights without any obstruction. This is called "believing in inner truth" (Noumenon).
// 【沙行勉:事理要一起看。有人念佛到一心不乱,可以穿门而过。有人开悟时
万物就在你的一心之中了 – 大菩萨的境界了。】
[Vows]. Once we have these forms of faith, then we must understand that the mundane
world is the defilement brought about by our own minds, so we must detach from it; the
Pure Land is the purity brought about by our own minds, so we must joyously seek it. We
must renounce defilement utterly, until there is nothing that can be renounced, and we
must grasp purity utterly, until there is nothing more that can be grasped.
Therefore the commentary Miao-tsung said: If you reject (or grasp) everything, it is not
different from rejecting (grasp) nothing. (You still have the mind of “everything” and
“nothing”.)If you intend not to engage in grasping and rejecting, and only value not
grasping and not rejecting, (You still have the mind of “rejecting” and “grasping.”.) this
is a form of clinging to inner truth and abandoning phenomena. Then, you abandon the
phenomenal level, and you are not complete at the inner truth level.
If you arrive at the point where all phenomena are merged with inner truth, then both
grasping and rejecting are also merged with inner truth. Any grasping or rejecting is not
the realm of reality. Here we have clarified the vows.
// 【沙行勉:愿则厌离娑婆,欣求极乐。这段漂亮啊!其实是自己内心污秽,故需厌离。而欣
[Practice]. When we speak of concentrating on invoking the Buddha-name
singlemindedly, with a mind that is unified and not chaotic, we are using the Buddha-
name to summon up the qualities of Buddhahood. Since the qualities of Buddhahood are
inconceivable, the Buddha-name itself is also inconceivable. Since the merits of the
Buddha-name are inconceivable, even if we recite the Buddha-name in a scattered state
of mind, it is still a seed of enlightenment, and if we recite Buddha-name singlemindedly,
we will reach the Pure Land and until then it is impossible for us to retreat.
Many sutras teach Pure Land practices of various kinds: contemplating the image of
Buddha, contemplating the concept of Buddha, doing prostrations, making offerings,
practicing the five forms of repentance and the six forms of mindfulness, and so on. If
you consummate any of these practices, [and dedicate the merits toward rebirth in the
Pure Land], you will be born there.
[ 一、念佛,念佛具足十号,有大慈大悲大光明,神通无量,能拔除众生之苦,我欲与佛一
The method of reciting the Buddha-name is the one that is the most all-conclusive,
embracing people of all mentalities and the one that is the easiest to practice. This is why
the compassionate one, Sakyamuni Buddha, explained it to Shariputra without being
asked. Reciting the Buddha-name can be called the number one expedient among all the
expedient methods in practices, the supreme one among all the methods in understanding
the Buddha’s teaching, and the most perfect one among all the complete methods in
finding the inner truth of Buddhahood.
There is a saying: "If a purifying pearl is put into dirty water, the dirty water cannot but
be purified. If the Buddha-name is put into a chaotic mind, the chaotic mind must
approach to enlightened. Reciting the Buddha-name with faith and vows is a true causal
basis for the Supreme Vehicle. The four kinds of Pure Land [the Land Where Saints and
Ordinary Beings Dwell Together, the Land of Expedient Liberation with Incompleteness,
the Land of Real Reward, and the Land of Eternally Quiescent Light] are the wondrous
fruits of the One Vehicle. If you have the causal basis, then the result is sure to follow.
Therefore, faith, vows and reciting the Buddha-name are the true guiding principles of
the Amitabha Sutra.
The characteristics of the four kinds of Pure Land are described in detail in the Miao-
tsung commentary on the sutra and in the book An explanation of the Brahma Net Sutra,
and I will not explain them in full here. Later on I will give a brief account of them as I
explicate the text.
Fourth, there is the sutra's Power and Application.
The power and application of this sutra is to enable us to be reborn in the Pure Land and
never fall back. Rebirth in the Pure Land can be categorized in terms of the Four Pure
Lands, and also into nine grades in each land. Here I will give a brief explanation of the
characteristics of the Four Lands.
If you recite the Buddha-name without cutting off your delusions of views and thoughts,
depending on how scattered or how concentrated you are, you are reborn in the level of
the Land Where Saints and Ordinary Beings Live Together.
If you recite the Buddha-name to the point of singlemindedness (phenomenal level) and
your delusions of views and thoughts are naturally dropped off, you are born in the Land
of Expedient Liberation with incompleteness [where Arhats live].
If you recite the Buddha-name to the point of singlemindedness (noumenon or inner truth
level), and you smash from one to forty-one levels of unclearness, then you are born in
the Pure Land of Real Reward [where Bodhisattvas live].
If you recite the Buddha-name to the point that unclearness is totally disappeared, this is
the highest reward and you will be reborn in the Land of Eternally Quiescent Light.
There are four meanings in no-retreat: contemplation never retreats, practice never
retreats, status never retreats, and finality never retreats. 1. After breaking the unclearness,
revealing Buddha nature, people can reach the birth of the Land of Real Reward, and also
touch the Land of Eternally Quiescent Light. 2. After removing the confusions in views
and thoughts, and breaking the countless dust-like confusion, people can reach the Land
of Expedient Liberation with Incompleteness, and go toward to enlightenment.
3. After giving birth to Pure Land with karma, people will reach the land where Saints
and Ordinary Beings Dwell Together, in which people are born by the supported of lotus
flower (pure land environment), and never have any possibility of retreat. 4. No matter
with concentration or not, with mindfulness or not, with understanding or not, hearing
Amitabha Buddha name or any Buddha’s names will gives the seed to the finality of
reaching enlightenment. It is like people will get affected when they hear the beating of
poisonous drums no matter they are near by or far away from the drum, and people will
not digest the diamonds no matter how little they eat.
Furthermore, even those who give birth with karma to the land where Saints and
Ordinary Beings Dwell Together have the same guarantee of no-retreats as the people in
other three lands. They will become enlightened in one life-time there. Because people
are always with supreme saints in the land where Saints and Ordinary Beings Dwell
Together, this land is already a no-retreat step-stone to other three lands. One life-time to
Buddhahood and no retreat in status show that with the birth to any place in Pure Land,
people have reached the guarantee of no-retreats.
The Amitabha Sutra has this kind of powerful function, which no text has ever
described. The powerful function of the Amitabha Sutra is far beyond other methods. For
example, a correct causal basis to a sudden enlightenment is just a stepping stone for
people out of the sensory world, which must be cultivated lifetime after lifetime before
you can expect enlightenment. How can Zen Buddhists and Scriptural Buddhists fail to
consider this?
Fifth, there are the forms of the Buddhist teaching in this sutra to explain.
The sutra belongs to the Mahayana canon, Bodhisattva vehicle, and is "self-spoken"
[delivered by the Buddha without being asked].
This sutra has enabled sentient beings with many karmic obstructions, living in the
Dharma Ending Age to make a direct ascent toward enlightenment without falling back.
Thus, in the future when all the other sutras have perished, this Amitabha Sutra will
survive for another century, to bring deliverance on a wide scale to sentient beings.
The Amitabha Sutra is a remedy for all sicknesses. It is beyond relativities, a perfect
fusion, with inconceivable power. The mystic treasury of the Flower Ornament
(Avatamsaka) Sutra, the secret gist of the Lotus Sutra, the essential teachings on mind of
all the Buddhas, the compass of all the Bodhisattvas' myriad practices -- none of them is
outside of this sutra. If I wanted to praise it at length, at the end of time I still would not
be finished. Those with wisdom please know the functions and characteristics of this
wondrous sutra.
The text of the sutra is divided into three sections. The first portion is the introduction.
The second portion is the main body of the text that gives the major guiding
principles. The third portion is about the transmission of the text. These three parts are
called the excellent opening, the excellent middle, and the excellent ending.
The introduction is like the head, complete with facial features. The main body of the text
is like the body, complete with all the internal organs. The transmission portion is like the
hands and feet, which move unimpeded.
A good example can be seen by the way that Master Chi-Zhe explaining Lotus Flower
sutra, a significant portion of the sutra was categorized as the parts of introduction and
transmissions. In sum, the introduction covers the overall structure of the sutra, while the
transmission portion shows that the bestowal of the teaching has been unimpeded. The
connection of these two portions with the main body of the sutra is not a minor matter.
Lately people have not understood this. When they read the sutras, if the text is a little bit
related to the principles, they categorize the text into the main body, treating the
introduction and the transmission portion as if they were merely formalistic. If this were
true, why are we told that both the opening words and the closing words of a sutra are
also excellent?
[Introductory portion of sutra]
The introductory portion of the Amitabha Sutra has two parts: The general introduction
part is applied to all Buddhist sutras, and the particular part is unique to this sutra. The
general part first reveals the time and place of the Dharma assembly at which it was
expounded, and then describes the assembly of those who were present.
Thus have I heard (As it is what I heard): Once Buddha was in the land of Shravasti,
in the garden of Jeta and Anathapindika.
This section opens the assembly where the Pure Land doctrine was taught. They are the
words of Ananda [the Buddha's personal assistant], who recorded the sutra.
"As it is” means it is what Ananda believed to be truly recorded. “What I heard"
expresses what he received from the teacher. "Once" describes the moment the teaching
was given. "Buddha" is the supreme dharma teacher. "The Garden of Jeta and
Anathapindika in the land of Shravasti" is the place where Buddha preached this sutra.
实相妙理,古今不变, 名如。依实相理,念佛求生净土,决定无非曰是。
印空, 名闻。时无实法,以师资道合,说听周足, 名一时。
The essence of the Absolute Reality has never been changed from ancient times to
modern, thus called “as”. For we recite the Buddha--name to seek birth in the Pure Land
basing ourselves upon the inner truth of absolute reality, we will definitely not go wrong,
thus called “it is”.
Absolute reality is not self and it is not no-self, Ananda, however, intentionally followed
the ordinary name of “I” here, so he still says “I”. Ananda's ears produced auditory
consciousness, so he could personally hear the perfect voice [of Sakyamuni Buddha
preaching this sutra] -- this was like emptiness printing emptiness. It is in this sense that
Ananda "heard" the sutra.
"Once Buddha was in Shravasti" the sutra continues. Time has no absolute meaning.
'Once" means at the time when the teacher and students have joined, and a full sharing
of preaching and listening is taking place.
自觉觉他,觉行圆满,人天大师, 名佛。
"Buddha" is the name for one who has been enlightened and who brings enlightenment
to others, whose enlightened practice is complete and functions as the great teacher of all
humans and gods (devas).
The place name "Shravasti" in Sanskrit means "hearing things". It was the name of a
great kingdom in India, and also of its main city, the capital of King Prasenajit [during
the time of Sakyamuni Buddha]. The King's Crown Prince was called Jeta, which means
"Victorious in Battle". A senior minister of the king, Sudatta, was also called
Anathapindika which means "Benefactor of Widows and Orphans". Anathapindika paid
for Prince Jeta's garden in gold, and donated it to Buddha and his monks. Prince Jeta was
very moved, and donated the trees and another parcel of land. Thus the double name [for
the site where Buddha preached the sutra]: "the Garden of Jeta and Anathapindika".
Next the sutra describes the assembly [who came to hear Buddha preach]. There were
three groups: first, the group of monastic disciples (Arhats), second, the group of
Bodhisattvas, and third, the congregation of humans and gods.
Why are the monastic disciples put first? Because they had left behind worldly forms,
because they always accompanied the Buddha, and because the Buddha Dharma depends
on monks and nuns to spread it.
Why are the Bodhisattvas placed in the middle? Because their forms are not fixed,
because they do not always accompany the Buddha, and also in order to suggest the idea
of the Middle Path.
Why are the humans and gods placed last? Because they have worldly form, because they
were a mixed lot, including both ordinary people and sages, and because their role is to
protect the Buddha dharma from the outside.
There are three aspects to the description of the group of monastic disciples: first, an
account of their quality and number; second, praise for their high standing and their
virtues; and third, a list of the names of the foremost among them. [The sutra reads:]
He was accompanied by twelve hundred and fifty great bhikshus.
"Bhikshu" is a Sanskrit term to present a Mahayana Buddhist monk taking complete
disciplines with a triple meaning.
First, "bhikshu" means a mendicant, someone who has just a single bowl to support his
living, and accumulates nothing, and intently asking for Buddhist Dharma.
Second, "bhikshu" means someone who has broken through evil, someone who observes
everything with correct wisdom, someone who has smashed the evil of sensory afflictions,
and does not fall into illusionary views and thoughts.
Third, "bhikshu" means someone who scares devils, who has accepted the full set of 250
disciplinary precepts, who has acquired achievement by assemblies of monks for the
confession of sins and absolution. Thus, devils are afraid of them.
The word for the monastic community as a whole, "Sangha", means a harmonious
association. This harmony at the level of inner truth means sharing the realization of the
truth of uncontrived liberation. At the phenomenal level, harmony means dwelling
together without rancorous speech, with the same joyful intent, and the same
understanding, sharing the same precepts and sharing material goods equally.
The sutra speaks of twelve hundred and fifty bhikshus. The three brothers Kashyapa had
together a thousand disciples, Sariputra and Maudgalyayana had two hundred and Yasha
had fifty. These were all people who had become Buddha's disciples shortly after his
enlightenment, people who felt deep gratitude for Buddha's benevolence, and always
followed him everywhere.
[The sutra continues:]
...all of them great Arhats, well known to the assembly
The word 'Arhat" also has three meanings. First, it means one who is worthy of offerings,
as the result of being a mendicant [when he was a bhikshu]. Second it means a slayer of
evil, as the result of having broken through evil. Third, it means one who will not be
reborn in the cycle of life and death, as the result of destroying delusion and afflictions.
It also means one who is liberated with wisdom, one who is liberated with both wisdom
and meditation, one who is liberated without any doubt. Because they reach the liberation
without any doubt, thus they are named “great”. Furthermore, all these great Arhats are
actually members of great Bodhisattvas, who appear as monastic disciples of the Buddha.
They have realized the inconceivable reality of this Pure Land teaching, and so they are
called "great". They accompanied the Buddha as he turned the Wheel of the Dharma,
bringing benefits to humans and gods on a vast scale, and so they were "well known to
the assembly".
Now the sutra lists the names of the leaders of the Arhats:
罗堕、迦留陀夷、摩诃劫宾那、薄拘罗、阿冕(音nou)楼驮 (阿那律),
Among them were his leading disciples, such figures as the Elders Sariputra,
Maudgalyayana, Mahakasyapa, Mahakatyayana, and Mahakausthila,
Revata, Suddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ananda, Rahula, Gavampati, Pindola-
bharadvaja, Kalodayin, Mahakapphina, Vakula, and Aniruddha, etc., all great
"Elder" is the term given to those who are honored both for their virtue and their long
years as monks.
Among the Buddha's monastic disciples, the Venerable Sariputra was the foremost in
wisdom and the Venerable Maudgalyayana was foremost in supernatural powers.
The Venerable Mahakasyapa's body shined with a golden light: he transmitted the
Buddha's Mind Seal and became the first patriarch [of the Zen tradition]. He was
foremost among the Buddha's monastic disciples in ascetic practices.
The Venerable Mahakatyayana was of a Brahmanical lineage, and was foremost in
The Venerable Mahakausthila was foremost in question-and-answer dialogue.
The Venerable Revata was the foremost in meditation free of error and confusion.
The Venerable Suddhipanthaka had been dull by nature but through memorizing two
words of the sutras [sweep clean, i.e., sweep the mind clean], his eloquence became
limitless and he was the foremost in upholding the truth of Real Mark.
The Venerable Nanda (Sundarananda) was Buddha's own younger brother, and was
foremost in formal comportment.
The Venerable Ananda was Buddha's cousin, and served as his personal attendant: he
was the most learned [and always committed the Buddha's spoken teachings to memory].
The Venerable Rahula was Buddha's son and heir [from the time when he was a royal
prince], and he was the foremost in adherence to every subtle precept and never
advertising his cultivation.
The Venerable Gavampati had spoken evil in past lives, and was affected by the karmic
retribution for this [by having a voice like a snorting ox]: he was foremost in receiving
the offerings of the gods.
The Venerable Pindola-bharadvaja had broken the rule against displaying spiritual
powers and was told to remain in this world for a long time. He was foremost as a field of
blessings for sentient beings.
The Venerable Kalodayin was Buddha's emissary, and he was foremost in spreading the
[摩诃劫宾那、薄拘罗、阿冕(音nou)楼驮 (阿那律),如是等诸大弟
The Venerable Mahakapphina was the foremost in his knowledge of the stars.
The Venerable Vakula was the most long-lived of Buddha's monastic disciples.
The Venerable Aniruddha was another of Buddha's cousins, and he was foremost in the
magical ability of his celestial eyes.
Fundamentally, all these constant companions of the Buddha were members of
Dharmakaya Bodhisattvas, who just manifested themselves as monastic disciples of the
Buddha to benefit the Buddha's teaching.
Now they are to hear of the all-encompassing merits of the Pure Land, and gain the
benefits of the teaching of the supreme truth, so they can learn Buddha dharma more and
reduce their delusions, and purify their own Buddha land in their mind. Thus they are
called an appropriate audience for the occasion.
Now the sutra describes the group of Bodhisattvas in the assembly:
Also present were the Bodhisattvas Mahasattva: Manjusri, Prince of the Dharma,
the Bodhisattva Ajita (the Invincible), and the Bodhisattva Gandhahastin, and
Bodhisattva Nityodyukta (Constant Progress), and other such great enlightening
“Bodhisattva-mahasattva" means a great enlightening being, pursuing great Buddha
Dharma, and liberating all sentient beings. Their compassion and wisdom are operating in
tandem to benefit both self and others.
Buddha is the King of the Dharma. Manjusri continued the vocation of teaching Dharma,
so he is called the Prince of the Dharma. Among the assembly of Bodhisattvas, he is
foremost in wisdom. Without fearless genuine wisdom, you cannot truly understand the
Pure Land teaching, and so Manjusri is put first [in the assembly of Bodhisattvas hearing
the Amitabha Sutra].
The Bodhisattva Ajita is Maitreya. In the future he will become a Buddha, but now he is
at the highest stage of the Bodhisattvahood, Equal Enlightenment. Because he regards
what the most important thing is doing the ultimate sublime and purification of Buddha
land, he is listed as the second.
Next the sutra lists the Bodhisattvas Gandhahastin, the one who does not rest, cultivating
practice for eons without ever stopping, and Bodhisattva Nityodyukta, the one who is
making constant progress, tirelessly benefiting self and others.
These Bodhisattvas of high rank must all seek birth in the Pure Land, so that they will not
be separated from seeing the Buddha and hearing the Dharma and giving offerings in
person to the Sangha, in order that they may quickly achieve Supreme Enlightenment
Also present was .akra devānām Indra, the king of the gods, along with countless
numbers of heavenly beings, making up a great assembly.
The name ".akra devānām Indra" means Sakra: able, devanam: heaven and Indra:
king; he is the king of the Trayastrimsa Heaven, the Heaven of Thirty-Three. Below his
heaven is the Heaven of the Four Deva-Kings. Above are the Heaven of Yama, the Tusita
Heaven, the Nirmanarati Heaven, the Paranirmita Heaven, the heavens of forms, the
formless heavens, and innumerable other heavens.
"Making up a great assembly" means that there were also other gods, asuras, and other
non-human beings from all the worlds of the ten directions in attendance [to hear Buddha
give forth the Amitabha Sutra], and that all had the potential to benefit from the Pure
Land teaching.
Thus ends the general introduction to the sutra. Next the particular introduction comes.
The wondrous gate of the Pure Land is inconceivable, and no one was able to ask about it,
so Buddha took it upon himself to begin by extolling the names of its Buddha and place.
Moreover, given that the Buddha's wisdom is able to evaluate the potentials of sentient
beings unerringly, he saw that this great assembly ought to hear about the wondrous gate
of the Pure Land so they could gain benefits. Therefore, he did not wait for questions, but
began by himself. A similar example can be found in the latter part of The Sutra of
Brahma’s Net, which is also classified with the similar meaning by Master Zhizhe.
At that time Buddha said to the Elder Sariputra: "West of here, past a hundred
billion Buddha-lands, there exists a world called "Ultimate Bliss". In this land there
exists a Buddha called Amitabha, who is expounding the Dharma right now.
The Pure Land Dharma gate takes in all people, whether they are of low, medium, or high
capacity. It is beyond all relativities, in perfect fusion. It is inconceivable: it is perfectly
all-encompassing, and goes completely beyond all other Buddhist methods. It is very
profound and hard to believe in. Therefore it is specially announced to those of great
wisdom: without the highest level of wisdom, you cannot arrive directly at the stage
where you have no doubts about the Pure Land teaching.
"West" signifies the place where the Pure Land appears, which is west of here. A
"Buddha-land" is a whole great galaxy of worlds that are all taught by one Buddha. In
terms of our world, there is a central polar mountain (axis), and four continents to the east,
west, south, and north of it, illuminated by the same sun and moon, surrounded by a
circular range of iron mountains: this is one world. A thousand of these makes a small
world system, a thousand small world-systems makes a medium world system, and a
thousand medium world-systems makes a great galaxy of worlds. West of a hundred
billion of such Buddha-lands is the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Question: Why is the Land of Ultimate Bliss in the west?
Answer: This is not a good question. If the Land of Ultimate Bliss were in the east, you
would be asking why it is in the east. Isn't this just playing with words? What's more, if
you look at the Land of Ultimate Bliss from the point of view of the hundred and one
billionth Buddha land, it is in the east. What is worth creating doubts about?
"There exists a world called Ultimate Bliss." This introduces us to the name of
Amitabha's environment, to his domain. In the temporal dimension, its time is reckoned
in terms of past, present, and future. In the spatial dimension, its boundaries are reckoned
in terms of the ten directions [the four cardinal directions, the four intermediate directions,
the nadir and the zenith].
The Sanskrit name for the Land of Ultimate Bliss is "Sukhavati". It is also called the
Land of Peaceful Nurturing, the Land of Peace and Bliss, the Land of Pure Equanimity,
and so on. The basic meaning is that it is utterly peaceful and secure, and forever
removed from all forms of pain and suffering. This is explained at length below.
There are four kinds of Buddha Land, and each category is in turn subdivided in terms of
purity or defilement.
In the Land Where Saints and Ordinary Beings Dwell Together, those who are with
heavier five turbidities are polluted, and those who are with lighter five turbidities are
clean. In the Land of Expedient Liberation with Incompleteness, those who are born here
by analyzing void are impure and those who are born here by directly entering void are
pure. In the Land of Real Reward, those who enter it through sequence of three
contemplations are impure and those who enter it with one mind of unified three
contemplations are pure. In the Land of Eternally Quiescent Light, those who have
reached the land without completely breaking all ignorance delusions are impure, and
those who have broken all delusions are pure. In the scripture, the Ultimate Bliss World
is referred to the Land Where Saints and Ordinary Beings Dwell Together, and
encompasses all the other three lands as well.
The Buddha’s name is Amitabha for introducing the name of the Teaching Host in the
land. Buddhas have three bodies, which are discussed in terms of singularity and
multiplicity. The singular term of Dharma Body means the realized trueness. The singular
term of Reward Body means the virtue and wisdom that can realize. The singular term of
Response Body means the excellent manifested appearance and image.
The plural term of Dharma Body means the self inner pure nature that every sentient
being possesses and the Dharma nature that every Buddha has realized. The plural term
of Reward Body means rewarded body benefiting self and rewarded body benefiting
others. The plural term of Response Body means the body shows birth and death, the
body responded to people’s requests, the body in the Buddha realm, and the body
following various forms in the worlds.
Though there are singular, plural terms and the names of three bodies, they are actually
not one, not three, and they are three and one as well. No conjunction, no differentiation,
no discrimination, no forms, no words that can describe. It is inconceivable. The
Amitabha that is said in the sutra is referred to the Response Body appeared in the Land
Where Saints and Ordinary Beings Dwell Together; as explained previously, the body
can also be regarded as the Reward Body and the Dharma Body.
When the sutra says "there exists a world called Ultimate Bliss" and "there exists a
Buddha called Amitabha," it is saying that both that world and that Buddha do actually
exist. There are four meanings here.
1. It indicates that there is a real Pure Land, and make us joyfully seek it.
2. It gives us truthful instructions, to make us concentrate on the practice of Pure-Land
3. It states that the Pure Land is not a figment of the imagination or a mirage, that it is
not a provisional manifestation or just a roundabout teaching for attracting people
with low capacity, that it is not an empty falsity, and that it is not a land reached via
the Hinayana vehicle.
4. It demonstrates that the Pure Land is part of our true nature, to enable us to have a
profound realization that Amitabha is our self nature; and Pure Land is our own mind.
槃之法空无有相,是为第一义空。” 涅槃经二十七曰:“佛性名第一义空,第一义空名为智
"Expounding the Dharma right now" shows that both the Pure Land and Amitabha
exist -- this is not a case of "the past is already gone, and the future has not yet taken
shape." We must make a vow to be born in the Pure Land, and to personally hear
Amitabha's teaching, so that we may quickly achieve true enlightenment.
The fact that the Pure Land and Amitabha Buddha are here in the present encourages us
to have faith. The fact that Amitabha's world is called the Land of Ultimate Bliss
encourages us to vow to be born there. The fact that the Buddha in the Pure Land is
called Amitabha encourages us to engage in the wondrous practice of invoking his name.
Furthermore, Amitabha introduces Buddha, “expounding Dharma” introduces Dharma
and the present assembly introduces Sangha. The words of the sutra are concise, but the
meaning is very profound. “Buddha, Dharma and Sangha” are holding the same Absolute
The introduction portion introduces the essence: give birth to faith, vow and practice. It
introduces the principle: with the success of faith, vow and practice, people must be able
to reach Pure Land to see the Amitabha and hear his teaching. It introduces application:
the only thing to think about in every moment is the Pure Land, nothing else. It
introduces the form of teaching: the words are concise, but the meaning is very profound.
This concludes the commentary on the introductory portion of the sutra.
- Oct 17 Sun 2010 20:39
佛说阿弥陀经要解 Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra 姚秦三藏法师鸠摩罗什译 清西有沙门蕅益智旭解