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淨空法師談 - 甚樣去布施修福。 心量大,功德、福德也大。 佛經上常說:(因地不真,果招迂曲) 淨空法師談 - 偽作沙門(修行人)的果報 影片來源:地藏經1998.5.28 淨空法師啟講於 新加坡淨宗學會共 51 次講演 淨空法師談 - 學佛人在世間做兩件事(1上求佛道2下化眾生) 影片來源:地藏經1998.5.28 淨空法師啟講於 新加坡淨宗學會共 51 次講演 淨空法師談 - 十種惡業得醜陋果報(1/2) 十業令眾生得醜陋報。一好行忿怒。二好懷嫌恨。三惑誑於他。四惱 亂眾生。五於父母所無愛敬心。六於賢聖所不生恭敬。七侵奪賢聖資 生田業。八於佛塔廟斷滅燈明。九見醜陋毀呰輕賤。十習諸惡行。十 業令眾生得端政報。一不瞋。二施衣。三愛敬父母。四尊重賢聖。五 塗飾佛塔。六掃灑堂宇。七掃灑僧地。八掃灑佛塔。九見醜陋者不生 輕賤起恭敬心。十見端政者悟曉宿因 世界末日 净空法师谈小说家的果报 發大誓願第六
Chapter 6 Bring Forth of Great Vows

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he Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra
Was first translated from the Sanskrit into Chinese in the 7th century A.D. T'ang Dynasty. The English here has been faithfully translated directly from the original archaic Chinese. In China this sutra has for hundreds of years been one of the most well-known and popular Buddhist sutras, but compared to such Bodhisattvas as Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri, the name Kishitigarbha appears to be relatively unknown in the West. According to one Chinese authority on Kishitigarbha, the reason for this obscurity lies in an ancient prophecy foretelling that this sutra would not be known outside of China and Tibet for 2500 years after the time of Buddha - until the Dharma-Ending Age - our present age - which would be ready to receive and understand it. The sutra would then be revealed and spread to distant lands. Regardless of any mystique surrounding this explanation, the fact is that together with Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Samantabhadra, Kishitigarbha is one of the most revered and celebrated Bodhisattvas. Respectively they personify the four basic Mahayana qualities of Great Compassion, Great Wisdom, Great Meritorious Deeds, and in Kishitigarbha: the Great Vow - the vow to save all sentient beings, including the hungry ghosts and the hell beings.

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he Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra

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he Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra

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he Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra

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